
Gastronomic adventure in Kvarner

Diverse flavors, fresh ingredients and authentic dishes...

April 15, 2024

The Kvarner region, situated in the northern part of the Croatian coast, boasts a rich gastronomic tradition. In this area, Mediterranean and continental European influences blend in gastronomy. The region is abundant in diverse flavors, fresh ingredients and authentic dishes that delight both locals and visitors. Through its rich history and cultural diversity, Kvarner's gastronomy has become an integral part of its identity, as confirmed by the fact that Kvarner will become the European Region of Gastronomy in 2026.

Fish in this area is prepared simply – boiled with the addition of olive oil or in a brodetto. Alongside fish, simple cooked dishes are also common among the local population, such as soups, polenta, pasta with goulash, kalandraka, or goulash with potatoes. Kvarner also prides itself on one of the most esteemed types of shrimp. Kvarner shrimp are distinctive with their aroma and texture. You'll often find them in Kvarner restaurants cooked in buzara sauce, in risottos, with traditional pasta or grilled.



There are numerous health benefits of olive oil. It has a positive impact on our cardiovascular system, digestion and skin. Olive cultivation has been developed in the Mediterranean for thousands of years. In Kvarner, the most widespread variety is oblica, but you'll also find slivnjača, rosulja, plominka and drobnica. The island of Cres stands out in this region with its unique model of olive cultivation alongside sheep farming. If you find yourself on the island of Krk in October, you must not miss the Olive Days, where you can participate in olive picking and taste homemade products.

Although Cres is known for its sheep farming and lamb, you won't find sheep pens on the island. The reason is that sheep on Cres are raised freely. They graze on aromatic herbs throughout the island and migrate depending on the availability of food and water in a particular area. On Cres, you can try lamb in various forms, and offal is also utilized, often served with sheep or goat cheese. A lesser-known specialty made from lamb is "udič" – salted leg of lamb or sheep, dried in the bura wind.

One of the most famous delicacies of Krk is Krk prosciutto. It's salt-cured with sea salt and spices, air-dried without smoking for at least a year. If you want to learn more about the production of this delicacy, you can visit the House of Krk Prosciutto. There, you'll discover more about the uniqueness of this product, and of course, you'll be able to taste and purchase it.

Krk's gastronomy is also known for its pasta, with a particularly prideful dish being their authentic pasta called "šurlice". It's made with eggs and shaped on a weaving needle to keep it hollow. You'll find it in almost all restaurants on Krk, often served with seafood sauces or thick meaty sauces made from lamb.



Grobnički sir“ is one of the most famous cheeses in Kvarner, as well as in Croatia. It belongs to the category of hard, fatty sheep cheeses. You'll be delighted by its full flavor and pleasant aroma. It takes as much as 5 liters of sheep's milk to produce just one kilogram of this cheese.

Alongside all these specialties, we must also mention the sweet delicacies of Kvarner. Rapska torta (Rab cake) captivates not only with its authentic appearance but also with its unique flavor due to the combination of citrus and almonds. This cake has a centuries-old tradition, as it was made during the Venetian rule in the wealthy homes of Rab's patricians and served only on special occasions. Today, this cake represents one of the most special souvenirs of the island of Rab. The original version of this cake takes a whopping three days to prepare.



In Kvarner, you can satisfy your sweet tooth with fritule. They are particularly associated with the time of carnival. Delicious dough is fried in deep oil, and then, according to preference, they are drizzled with sauces, most commonly black or white chocolate, or sprinkled with cinnamon.

This region is also known for the use of chestnuts (maruni) in its cuisine. Maruni can be found on the slopes of Učka from Opatija to Mošćenička Draga, and in Lovran, the Marunada festival is held every year in honor of this gentle chestnut. Maruni are larger compared to other chestnuts, have easily removable light shells, and are sweeter. They are used to make various dishes such as soups, sauces, cakes, and desserts. Alongside chestnuts, this area is characterized by cherries. The whole month of June in Lovran is dedicated to this fruit – the Days of Cherries in Lovran. During June in Lovran, you can taste various cherry desserts, and in recent times, cherries are also combined with savory dishes.



From seafood to meat, cheese and sweets, every bite in Kvarner reveals the richness of the culinary heritage of this region. Kvarner's gastronomy is not just about food; it's a story about culture, tradition and a love for good food. Every bite here is an invitation to explore, discover and enjoy the wealth of flavors that this area offers. Therefore, if you want to experience a true gastronomic adventure, Kvarner is a destination you definitely need to explore.